Yes, these forms may look like a lot of information and quite frankly, they are a bit lengthy. We like everyone to play and work nicely with one another, though, and we’re very proud –and very supportive–of our Market Family. Many of us have vended together for many years and the new Vendors who join us are welcomed and embraced as family, too.
Thank you for working with us and working through the process.
The Application:
The Vendor application is good for all of our Markets. It may be accessed and completed HERE
**PLEASE NOTE: Applications are NOT accepted at the Markets so please do not just show up with a printed copy. Likewise, we do not accept ‘drop-in’ Vendors.
We are, however, a family and we do support community and causes. All races, ages, genders, and religious backgrounds are welcome.
We do our best to maintain a fair and balanced Market environment. This can be a challenge. Thus, our Vending Categories are specific and we only accept a certain number of Vendors in each Category for each Market.
PLEASE NOTE: There is an Application fee of $25.00. Please note that this fee must be paid in order for your Application to be reviewed.
VENDOR HANDBOOK: The Vendor Handbook for The Beach Markets may be accessed and downloaded HERE
The Handbook provides a detailed and thorough description of how we operate within The Beach Markets. All Vendors and their employees should be thoroughly familiar with our operating practices, policies, and procedures.
**Please EMAIL your application to the Manager for processing and for obtaining Board approval. The Manager’s email is thebeachmarkets@gmail.com**
For The Indian Shores Sunday Morning Market: Specific Information for The Indian Shores Sunday Morning Market:
Vendor Fee Payment:
• The Indian Shores Sunday Morning Market offers a discounted monthly rate to our “Regular” Vendors The monthly fee is currently $135.00 and may be paid via PayPal (links are provided to Approved Vendors via our Vendor Updates.)
We do allow Day Vends. Day Rate is currently $40.00
*We require a Preview Vend of all Vendors new to our Markets* Specific information regarding our Preview Vend policy can be found in our Vendor Handbook.
• Farmers bringing their goods to market may qualify for a special rate. Please contact the Market Manager for more information.
• Nonprofit Organizations and Community Outreach groups may be eligible for a reduced rate at the discretion of our governing Board (please include proof of nonprofit status with your application.)
Reservation Process:
Reservations are confirmed by email and spaces are assigned at the Market. Please note: Vendors who do not arrive by 8:00 am on their scheduled market date and have failed to notify the Market Manager to indicate they will be late may forfeit their space.
Cancellation of Vendor Reservation:
If a Vendor needs to cancel their space reservation, they must email the Market Manager by Wednesday before the Sunday they are scheduled for. Vendors who cancel their reserved space after Wednesday will still be responsible for paying their vending or rental fee for the day. Extenuating or emergency circumstances will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis by our governing Board.
The Market operates as a business entity with extensive monetary and legal obligations and is not funded by outside factions. All accounting is due from us the week before a given market day.
Drop-in Vendors:
Please Note: Our Markets do not accept Drop-In Vendors. A Vendor Application must be filled out and approved before a Vendor will be allowed to vend.